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Protecting Your Future
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Our business philosophy is “to find out what a client needs and explain the solution in plain language—and to keep explaining throughout a regular review process”. We focus on helping clients through every step—the application, review process and claim.

A surprising fact of life is that many people don’t know exactly what provision they have in place for protecting their lives, lifestyle and business—people are often paying too much for an noncompetitive product, paying for the wrong cover or don’t know what is available for their particular needs.

Personal Insurance

If the worst should happen - if you died, became terminally ill, or suffered illness, injury or disability - personal insurance is vital to financially support what matters most: you and your loved ones. Depending on the cover you choose, personal insurance can provide support through a difficult time by:

  • paying out a lump sum to be used as you wish

  • paying out a monthly benefit 

  • providing you access to private healthcare services

  • helping you get back to work

  • reimbursement of medical expenses.

Business Insurance

If you, a co-owner, or a key person whose skills and knowledge are vital to your business’ success, died or suffered a serious illness or injury and was unable to work, consider some of the areas this could impact your business:

  • Revenue: A direct impact on sales can occur due to loss of a staff member who is fundamental to driving growth. 

  • Expenses: You may incur additional costs associated with replacing a key staff member, such as recruitment and training. 

  • Relationships and contracts: You may experience the loss of key clients or a critical supplier if you lose a staff member who manages key relationships.


The personal assets you build up through the course of your life give you many things – security, comfort and memorable experiences.  Worry over losing them needn’t be part of the package. Personal insurance protection means you can relax and enjoy what you have.


© 2017 by Arrowsmith Financial Services 

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